Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Alumnus Reunion at Kinasih, Caringin Bogor, West Java.....July 2009

Day 1 : Happy to meet childhood friends
Talking about our sweet memories
what a nice legs guys.... ;p

narcissistic photo.... ;p

huge bonfire...wohooo...

Vidatra 2000 sing a song..

togetherness circle..

so unique..
Day 2 : Breakfast before attending the games
one of the game
there are cute puppy...
After finish all the games...

Our feet can not get out of the mattress

Alumnus from Vidatra 2000 Bontang, East Kalimantan....*Peace,Love n Joy....

Togetherness of the alumnus Vidatra Bontang, East Kalimantan

This is an alumnus reunion of my school ( Vidatra Bontang, East Kalimantan) which was held at Kinasih, Caringin Bogor, West Java.

It was such a great reunion because the participants from the very first alumnus until the last alumnus....but we almost know each other even from different grade because Bontang is a small town.

Let me explain about my sweet hometown Bontang...Bontang is a small town, there are 2 big company.
Each company have their own housing and school for family of the employee.
Name of the school of the company of my dad is Vidatra.
In Bontang i born and grew up and also i get study on Vidatra from Kinder garden until High School then some of us decided to take college out of Bontang.
Me and my friends just like a family because we grow up together for 18 years until we separate to a different city for get a college.

That's why we are happy to attend this reunion because we can meet our childhood friends from all grade.
This event held from Saturday evening until Sunday evening....many alumnus from other city come to this event. Some of them bring they family too....

Nostalgia and play many of fun games with childhood friends on a nice place, what an unforgettable memories.

Kinasih is a nice place and its recommend many activities such as : outbound.
Herewith the website of kinasih : http://www.thekinasihresort.com/index.php?menu=contactus.php
Its not far from Jakarta. For your info, do not go there on weekends because its bad traffic.

So, what are you waiting for. Contact your childhood friends and make a reunion with them....choose a nice place or you can use Kinasih....why not, right?

Friendship for a long journey..family for eternity..... ;)

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