Sunday, August 15, 2010

Outing on Tanakita, Situ Gunung, West Java....Aug 2008

we are so happy..... ;)

Looks our background....yup, its our tent...

its my team in one of the game...

This is one of the activities of my office every year....Actually, this activity aims to build familiarity with other employees....Thats why we always very excited on this activity...This activity held in different place every year and also there always new employees join on this activity..
On this activity we use Rakata Adventure as our Event Organizer...they are people who are professionals in their field. We are very very happy because of the friendly and professionals event organizer and in a nice place.
Tanakita is a campsite in lake Situ Gunung Sukabumi West Java, is not only equipped with premium quality support facilities, but also a stunning landscape complete with exotic varieties of animals. For campers, this means a million different experiences, all at once.
Location: Cisaat, Sukabumi. Appox. 110 kilometers from Jakarta
Capacity: 100-120 campers
1. 2 ha camping ground
2. Hot and cold shower and toilet
3. Tents, mattress, sleeping bag and pillow
4. Function hall (tent)
5. Ropes
Activities: Easy trekking to the lake or waterfall, tubing and cultural attraction, 4 time meals (2 Lunch, 1 Dinner, 1 Breakfast
Individual, Family camp fee (Non-Corporate)

Unfortunately I only have this photos just because the other photos was gone.... :(

So..what are you waiting for...just go there and enjoy your different experiences..... ;) 

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