Monday, August 23, 2010

I need bed rest please....

I was on bed rest for 2 weeks at home...yaaa...2 weeks...from August 05 until August 18, 2010...can you believed..??
Since i got chickenpox disease so i can not work must stay at my room because it can infect to others people...
This is the first time for me and my doctor said this too late for you, you should get chickenpox disease when you were kid....huuffff.... "but i don't know doctor why i got this now not when i was kid...."

I back to work on August 19, 2010...and already a lot of works waiting for me on my desk....OMG..... (take a deep deep deep breath..)
Since I'm on recovery process and still consume medicine for my endurance because I'm still weak so i can not finish all pending works sooner.....i think i very very need someone for help me.......huhuhuuhuhuhhu...hiks hiks hiks.... :(

Today i got sore throat, cold and fever..oooh my goodness...perhaps when i was on my 2 weeks bed rest I'm not totally bed rest because only my body bed rest but my mind still thinking on my works...... :(

I need total bed rest pleasee...could i...??

Healthy is an important things so keep your body and mind health.....

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